Documentation: SSI-Filler Directive


Found within the BODY tag of an HTML document, any DIV tag with this case-sensitive value for the TITLE attribute and a case-sensitive ID value that matches the ID of an SSI-Container DIV for the current document's Master Page (as specified in a properly marked and immediate (not chained) SSI-Template directive) denotes content that is to replace all content in the targeted container.


This must be a valid HTML ID Attribute Value . This ID attribute value must precisely match the GLOBALLY_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER as set for an SSI-Container in this resource document's Master Page or this SSI-Filler directive will be ignored.
Any appropriate content to fully replace the DEFAULT_CONTENT of the mated SSI-Container. This can be absolutely nothing; any SSI-Filler DIV tag that is empty will cause the matching SSI-Container to be removed from the final merged document.


The following are all functional examples of using this directive:

  1. The content you assign to a container can be any valid HTML, with or without markup, depending on how your containers are designed within their templates:
    <div title="SSI-Filler" id="caseSensitiveId">
       Any valid HTML content with appropriate markup.
  2. A single child resource document can assign content to any container in its immediate parent Master Page and can assign content to multiple containers at once (but cannot assign content to any chained Master Page unless the immediate parent Master Page wraps its own container(s) in SSI-Filler DIVs that match its own next-in-chain Master Page's SSI-Containers):
    <div title="SSI-Filler" id="unique-id-1">
       Multiple SSI-Filler DIVs on a single document
       individually target matching SSI-Container
       DIVs in the immediate -- not chained --
       Master Page.
    <div title="SSI-Filler" id="unique-id-2">
       <div class="ClassKnownToTheReceivingPage">
          <p>Each SSI-Filler DIV must contain
             markup that is appropriate for the
             receiving SSI-Container.</p>
  3. This will erase any default content in a particular container, effectively removing it from the final merged document and replacing it with absolutely nothing (if you really need to do so):
    <div title="SSI-Filler" id="unique-placeholder-id-1"></div>


Standard HTML attribute value rules apply except that the TITLE value, "SSI-Filler", is case-sensitive to HTML Master Pages. Incorrectly capitalized values like "ssi-filler" are ignored.

These content DIVs may be placed in any document including within Master Pages that chain other Master Pages. These containers are always removed from the final merged document, even if their content was never matched to another SSI-Container.

A document may have any number of these content DIVs in it but the merge will fail if more than one in the same document has the same ID value. This is also the case if the merging of a Master Page and a child document result in more than one SSI-Filler DIV having the same ID and the resulting page attempts to chain into another Master Page.

It is not possible to assign an SSI-Filler to replace content in an SSI-Container that does not exist in the current document's immediate Master Page. This is by design and is a side-effect of each merge occurring in isolation; during a merge, HTML Master Pages literally only "sees" one resource document and its immediate Master Page.


These content DIV tags are valid HTML and will not interfere with W3C HTML Validators provided that you use valid ID attribute values and no other invalid markup. Note that these content DIV tags are removed from the final merged document and, under normal circumstances, will not be presented to your end users.